Refused are fucking dead

Refused band photo

Refused are fucking dead is the name of the bands farewell tour during 2025, the last we will see of the band (this time around..). As of now there’s dates for North America announced, but the band wants to end the tour in Sweden sometime in 2025.

Refused started in UmeƄ, Sweden in 1991 and broke up during a tour of the USA in 1998. The band made a comeback in 2012 and has released two albums and an EP since.

Refused are also releasing a 25th anniversary edition LP of their classic album “The Shape of Punk to Come”, together with Epitaph Records. The LP is up for pre-order and will be released in November.

Below are the announced tour-dates:

Mar 21 Fri
Brooklyn Paramount @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Brooklyn, NY, United States

Mar 23 Sun
HISTORY @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Toronto, ON, Canada

Mar 25 Tue
The Salt Shed @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Chicago, IL, United States

Mar 27 Thu
The Warfield @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
San Francisco, CA, United States

Mar 28 Fri
Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Los Angeles, CA, United States

Mar 29 Sat
The Sound @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Del Mar, CA, United States

Mar 30 Sun
Marquee Theatre @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Tempe, AZ, United States

Apr 1 Tue
Ogden Theatre @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Denver, CO, United States

Apr 2 Wed
The Union Event Center @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Apr 4 Fri
Knitting Factor @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Boise, ID, United States

Apr 5 Sat
The Showbox @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Seattle, WA, United States

Apr 7 Mon
Vogue Theatre @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Apr 8 Tue
Revolution Hall @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Portland, OR, United States

Apr 10 Thu
Ace Of Spades @ 7:00pm
w/ Quicksand
Sacramento, CA, United States