A Close Encounter – Beersmiths

A Close Encounter

A Close Encounter by Beersmiths. New England IPA, 5.8% ABV. Brewed with Citra, Amarillo and Mosaic.

Half clear amber colour, pours a pretty small head.
Aromas are tropical and citrusy, with mango, grapefruit and hints of apricot.
Flavours are tropical, citrusy and malty, with grapefruit, pine, hints of white bread, syrup and apricot, some hints of mango as well.
Crisp but a bit thin mouthfeel and a medium bitterness. A little bit more malty and piney flavours than I prefer in a New England and not that much haze and hoppiness. It’s not a bad beer per se, but I don’t think it represents the style in the best way and misses the mark in that aspect somewhat. 3.25 out of 5.