Fat By The Gallon release their new album “Ward Stories”

Fat By The Gallon Ward Stories

The pop-punk trio Fat By The Gallon has released “Ward Stories”, a 10 song LP that is storytelling from start to finish. 

It’s been one the most vulnerable yet cathartic processes any of us have experienced to date. “Ward Stories” brings some “firsts” to our band! Being our first release since 2018″., says singer Chris Cutler

It is their first full length as a trio and their first ever working with European label SBÄM Records.

Fat By The Gallon went to Empire Sound Studio (Dallas TX) to track with Matt Kennedy whose involvement went way beyond manning the board. Not only was he a blast to work with, but the honesty and input he provided was a game changer. The band enlisted Kevin “Jones” Kotzur for mixing duties and Mass Giorgini (Sonic Iguana Studios) for mastering.

The first single “GI Joe Was Full of Shit man.” Stylistically, this one came out of left field. Full disclosure, A year and a half ago I found out that I have Huntington’s disease. It’s a disease that has plagued my family for generations. My Mom had it, so I always knew there is a 50/50 chance of me having it.This song pretty much sums up the feeling after receiving the test results. Back in the day the G.I. Joe cartoons always had a segment where they would say “Now I know!” and “Knowing is half the battle.” Considering there is no cure for Huntington’s, maybe knowing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Haha. I do consider myself one of the lucky ones due to the great support system I have. At the end of the day this has all given us a completely different perspective on life and you can hear it throughout the album. If we had to sum up the message of this record, it would have to be: “Whatever stands in our way we’ll charge right through it! We’re gonna give it hell until the wheels fall off!”

The music video was filmed and directed by Joel Herrera with the help of Rolo Cantu.

The artwork for “Ward Stories” features photos that were taken by Phil Buehler of “Wardy Forty” located at Greystone Park state hospital in New Jersey. This was the actual hall and room Woody Guthrie spent his time as a patient due to his bout with Huntington’s disease.