French hardcore-punks Contre-Feux stream new EP ‘La Morsure’


As announced a couple of weeks ago with the single “Gibier ce soir”, 4 years after their debut EP ‘Mort/Vivant’, French hardcore/screamo/punk enraging riots Contre-Feux released their sophomore EP called ‘La Morsure’ on vinyl/digital via Dingleberry Records and Voice Of The Unheard.

In addition to the official release-news, the band also unveiled the whole records for free-streaming on Bandcamp.

Formed in early 2020 in the Bordeaux region, Contre-Feux play Screamo-tinged Punk/Hardcore. Fast, aggressive and melodic, their music is influenced by bands such as Converge, Envy, Tragedy and Amanda Woodward, whose lyrics are in French.

Their self-recorded debut EP, ‘Mort/Vivant’, has been released on Bandcamp in 2020. It was not until the last quarter of 2022 that the band played their first concert.

Between December and January 2023, they record their second EP, ‘La morsure’. Over the course of the year, they share the stage with other young bands such as Grief and Ari, and with better-known groups like Joliette and Mutoid Man.

In 2024, the ‘La morsure’ EP will be released digitally, followed by a compilation of their 2 records on vinyl by Voice Of The Unheard and Dingleberry Records.