How to Spring Right Into It – This Is How

How to Spring Right Into It

How to Spring Right Into It by This Is How. Triple New England IPA, 6.3% ABV

Hazy pineapple colour, pours a pretty small head.
Tropical and a bit grassy aromas, with mango, sweet cake and some pineapple.
Flavours are tropical and a bit herbal, mango, grapefruit, rosemary and some pineapple.
Crisp mouthfeel and not very bitter. The herbal notes reins in the sweetness in this one, making it not as sweet as some other NEIPAs. It has some hoppiness but perhaps not as much punch in the tropical flavours as some of the best out there. Still a good brew though. A bit early for those spring feelings but I’d drink this one in the middle of winter as well. 3.75 out of 5.