Jubileumsöl Modern IPA – Klackabackens Bryggeri

Modern IPA Klackabacken

Jubileumsöl – Modern IPA by Klackabackens Bryggeri. New England IPA (according to Untappd), 6.5% ABV.

Half clear amber colour, pours a small head.
Citrusy and a bit malty aromas of orange, pine and white bread.
Flavours are citrusy and malty, with grapefruit, white bread, orange, pine and herbs.
Crisp mouthfeel and a medium bitterness. A little bit like a West Coast, but with some stronger citrus notes. Don’t know why it’s classified as a New England on Untappd, definitely not in that category flavour-wise. Well made and pretty nicely balanced. 3.5 out of 5.