Mudfight release new single “Tom was right”

Mudfight band photo

The young Austrians from Mudfight has released their new single “Tom was right”t. The song not only pokes fun at the Blink 182 singer’s belief in extraterrestrial life, but also reinterpreting the term “alien” and giving their cheerful pop-punk song a deeper side.

The song deals with the fact that the Pentagon has confirmed the existence of aliens in the year 2023. Tom Delonge – the guitarist of Blink-182 – who is known to believe in UFOs (song: Aliens Exist from the album Enema Of The State) and repeatedly publishes UFO sightings including video material on the subject via his company “To The Stars Media”, has responded by making a social media post with the slogan “Tom Was Right”.

But the song itself is not (only?) about aliens: “Since the term “alien” can also be used in a social context (stranger, outsider, …), we with Mudfight interpret the whole thing more like this. We all feel like aliens at times, like outsiders,” says Max, singer of Mudfight.