Reset – Världen Brinner

Swedish punk/rockers Världen Brinner are back with their new album titled Reset. The album follows 2020’s Vi Äger Natten. This time Världen Brinner has chosen to mix tracks written in English and in Swedish, which is always interesting.

The album kicks off with the heavily rock-influenced Girls and Dogs. It sounds like a pretty standard rock-song, reminiscent of Baboon Show, and I’m not overly impressed. It lacks some uniqueness and character in my ears. But then something starts to happen on the second track, Ur Kaoset. The sound becomes a bit more unique and the lyrics more personal and intimate in a really good way. And it’s this side of the band that I enjoy the most, and thankfully there’s more of that to come.

Hard To Let You Go about losing your father, Nätterna about unfaithful relationships and Liten about self-doubt and finding your voice after hardships, all follow those more personal themes. The track Don’t Need Nobody becomes a needed comeback anthem among the songs in the middle of the album. The two closers Här Kommer Valet and At the Border are the more political tracks of the album, closing things off nicely, although not on the most positive of notes.

I hadn’t listened to Världen Brinner before going into this album, and the first track gave me doubts as I found it a bit bland and just a standard rock-song. But this is a lesson about giving bands a chance over a full album, as the rest of Reset shows the good side of Världen Brinner, both lyrically and musically. I think the songs in Swedish are a little bit stronger, but many of the English ones are close behind. Honest and open writing combined with a nice blend of punk and rock makes this a record to enjoy.