Brewski x Omnipollo RFF Raspberry Fluff Forever Gose – Brewski and Omnipollo

Raspberry Fluff Forever

Brewski x Omnipollo RFF Raspberry Fluff Forever Gose by Brewski and Omnipollo. Fruited Gose, 4.7% ABV.

Juicy raspberry colour, pours a small head that quickly dissipates.
Aromas of raspberry and vanilla.
Flavours of raspberry, vanilla, marshmallows and some hints of salt.
Juicy mouthfeel, pretty sweet and has a little bit of tartness and saltiness to it. I’m having a bit of a cold going on, so I wanted something with really distinct flavours that could push through. This really delivered in that regard, very distinct flavours in a good combination. An awesome dessert sour. 4.25 out of 5.