Juicy Delight – Good Guys Brew

Juicy Delight Good Guys Brew

Juicy Delight by Good Guys Brew. New England IPA, 7% ABV.

Half clear golden colour, pours a small head.
Tropical and slightly citrusy aromas of pineapple, passion fruit, white bread, grapefruit and some pine.
Flavours are tropical and citrusy, with pineapple, passion fruit, grapefruit, white bread and a bit of pine.
Pretty full mouthfeel, medium bitterness followed by a bit of tropical sweetness. Decently balanced, pretty distinct flavours and almost no booziness. Doesn’t really get me going though, something is lacking a little bit, hard to put my finger on what though. Perhaps it’s the balance between the malty and piney and the tropical that doesn’t really hit my sweet spot. Doesn’t feel like a NEIPA really, more close to a double IPA. 3.5 out of 5.