Lugn Som En Filbunke – Beersmiths

Lugn Som En Filbunke

Lugn Som En Filbunke by Beersmiths. Double IPA, 9% ABV, 44 IBU.

Half clear amber colour, pours a small head.
Tropical and a bit malty aromas of mango, apricot, white bread, pine and some herbs.
Flavours are tropical and malty, with mango, dried pineapple, apricot, orange marmalade, grapefruit, pine and herbs.
Crisp mouthfeel, sweet but also pretty bitter in a kind of weird fashion. Not that much booziness though. Bit of a wonky combo between the bitter and sweet in this one, doesn’t really resonate with me all the way. Not a bad beer though, but not really down my alley. 3.5 out of 5.