Snow Haze IPA – Sälens Fjällbryggeri

Snow Haze IPA - Sälens Fjällbryggeri

Snow Haze IPA by Sälens Fjällbryggeri. American IPA, 4.6% ABV.

Hazy light orange colour, pours a small head.
Tropical, stone fruity and a bit citrusy aromas of mango, nectarine, lemon, grapefruit and some apricot.
Flavours are tropical, citrusy and a bit stone fruity, with mango, lemon, nectarine, white bread and some light notes of apricot.
Slightly thin mouthfeel, medium bitterness and not that much sweetness. Quite crushable although pretty light in the flavours, which isn’t a surprise as it’s almost a session. Decently balanced, pretty malt-forward though. 3.5 out of 5.