Watercolors Monochromatic Raspberry – Skygazer Brewing Co

Watercolors monochromatic

Watercolors Monochromatic – Raspberry by Skygazer Brewing Co. Berliner Weisse Sour, 5.5% ABV. Purchased Glasbanken.

Milky raspberry colour, pours a medium head.
Aromas of sweet raspberry and vanilla, small hints of strawberry.
Flavours of raspberry and vanilla. Also has some notes towards tomato in the first few sips.
Pretty thick milkshake mouthfeel, not overly sweet. Bordering on a bit artificial in the flavours, might be the vanilla. I was a bit sceptical to begin with but it grew on me after a while. Not the best raspberry smoothie beer I’ve had, but it ends up being a nice experience. 4 out of 5.

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