Klockarens Klämtare – Hönsinge Hantwerksbryggeri

Klockarens Klämtare Hönsinge Hantwerksbryggeri

Klockarens Klämtare by Hönsinge Hantwerksbryggeri. American style IPA, 5.8% ABV, 40 IBU.

Half clear golden colour, pours a big head.
Citrusy and slightly malty aromas of grapefruit, white bread, some papaya and pine.
Flavours are citrusy and a bit tropical, with grapefruit, white bread, a bit of papaya, pine and some peppery notes.
Crisp mouthfeel, medium bitterness and just a little bit of sweetness. Pretty nicely balanced but could have had a little bit more punch in the flavours perhaps. Still enjoyable from a brewery I hadn’t heard of before. 3.5 out of 5.